
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

That quintessential WEsT COAST mossy look. Posted by Hello

Leaving the north beach of Buntzen Lake, toward the water outlet from Coquitlam Lake to the east (and much higher in elevation). Posted by Hello

Taking a rest on the north beach (picnic area) of Buntzen Lake. Posted by Hello

Placid waters of Buntzen Lake along the western shore. Posted by Hello

Typical of the rockier western shoreline of Buntzen Lake. Posted by Hello

Along the western shore of Buntzen Lake (heading north). Posted by Hello

In lieu of a paddler in the front cockpit --> bottled water Posted by Hello

48 X 0.5 liter bottled water.

Without a paddler in the foreward cockpit, the Amaruk tracked very well. I was pleased with how responsive t was to the rudder.